Preparing your pet for your return to work
As lockdown restrictions slowly lift around Australia, it’s a matter of time before some of us will have to return to work. This can be confusing for a family dog or cat, and we owe it to our beloved pets to help them adjust smoothly.
Much like the start of a school term, it can be stressful and confusing for a pet to suddenly find themselves home alone all day.
One minute the house is bustling with friendly faces, the next minute your pet is left for hours on end with no understanding as to why or when you’ll be back. This can lead to boredom and anxiety, which can, in turn, lead to problematic behaviours like barking, scratching or chewing.
Many people have adopted a dog or cat during the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown, which is great on one hand.
But on the other, a plan needs to be put into place so that your furry friend experiences minimal distress when life starts to open up again. It’s important that your pet’s health and happiness is a big consideration in your changing routine.
Here are a few ways to help your pet dog or cat get used to lockdown restrictions lifting:
Practice in advance
Don’t leave this till the last minute: create a steady sleeping, playing and eating routine now so that your pet will experience minimal disruption.
You can even practice ‘getting ready’ in the morning now. This is like a dress rehearsal: you get up, have breakfast, get into work clothes, and leave the house. Leave a kong or chew treat for your pet and pop some calming music on before returning home.
Plan a walk or exercise in the early morning and evening
Get into the habit of playing with and exercising your cat or dog early and late in the day. This will make it easier for you to incorporate back into your routine, and your pet will feel more at ease when you go back to the office.
Mix it up with a little bit of training to get your dog’s brain activated.
Consider a pet sitter
It might sound obvious coming from us, but we promise this can really, really help your pet to feel at ease. A pet sitter can check in with your pet and give them cuddles and pats when you are at work. They can even walk your dog if you run out of time.
Practice a few times with your pet sitter before you go back to work, so that your dog or cat can get really comfortable with their new human friend.
If you need a pet sitter, we can help. Just reach out to us if you need a hand getting the right match, or need any advice at all.