+4 more


A friend that your pet needs when you are out.


Pawshake sitter since April 2023
<1 year of experience
Active in the Pawshake Community
3 times saved
Last active7 days ago
Usually respondswithin about 2 hours
Last contactedabout 2 months ago
Last booked7 months ago

About Willian

Mijn hele leven ben ik omringd geweest door dieren. Als kind telde ik de dagen af ​​naar schoolvakanties om naar het platteland te gaan. Daar hielp hij met dierenverzorgingstaken zoals het voeren van de kippen, varkens, schoonmaken en het water verversen voor de koeien. Spelen en wandelen met de honden door het bos.

Thuis hadden we veel katten en honden, maar de eerste en degene die mijn jeugd het meest kenmerkte, was de hond Nala. Ze leefde 17 jaar. Ik herinner me nog de gelukkige tijden die we samen doorbrachten. Ja, als volwassene kon ik helaas (nog) geen huisdieren hebben.

Maar ik leef nog steeds omringd door deze lichtwezens. Vrienden bellen me altijd om voor hun huisdieren te zorgen terwijl ze reizen.

Ik woon momenteel in Antwerpen en heb twee klanten voor Dog Walker. Ik zeg vaak dat het de droombaan is...

Ik kan diensten aanbieden zoals:

- Dierenoppas (bij u thuis)
- Dierenbezoek


All my life I have been surrounded by animals. When I was a kid, I counted down the days to school holidays to go to the countryside. There, he helped with animal care tasks such as feeding the chickens, pigs, cleaning and changing the water for the cows. Playing and walking with the dogs through the woods.

At home, we had many cats and dogs, but the first and the one that most marked my childhood was the dog Nala. She lived for 17 years. I still remember the happy times we spent together.

In adult life, unfortunately, I couldn't have pets (yet). But I still live surrounded by these beings of light. Friends always call me to take care of their pets while they travel.

Currently living in Antwerp I have two clients for Dog Walker. I often say it's the dream job... I can offer services like:

- Pet Sitting (at your place)
- Pet Visiting


For all services mostly week days during mornings, afternoons and evenings (07h00 to 23h00)

Able to Min

Willian offers ...

At Willian's home

Willian currently does not offer any services at their home.

At your home

Dog Walking

An experienced dog walker will pick up your dog from your home for a 30 min walkfrom €12 /walk, €5 /additional pet

One home visit a day

Book a pet sitter to stop by your home to feed and play with your petfrom €10 /day

2x Home visit

Two drop-in visits for your petfrom €16 /day

House Sitting

A sitter stays overnight in your home and cares for your petfrom €50 /night

Cancellation Policy

Flexible Cancellation Policy
You will get a full refund if you cancel before 12:00pm one day before the booking.



About Willian's home

The residence

Medium outdoor area

What people say about Willian

Overall rating


More about Willian

I have experience ...

<1 year of experience
I can administer oral medications

Confirmed information

Email verified
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Stripe verified
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Dog Walkingfrom €12 /walk, €5 /additional pet
No dates specifiedContact

Always book via the Pawshake platform

Peace of mind

Your pet may need protection against unexpected life events. We offer a Peace of Mind Guarantee included in every booking made and paid through Pawshake.
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We include a free Happiness Guarantee in every booking made and paid through Pawshake to make sure you and your pet get the best pet care experience possible.
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